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Writer's pictureGee Siew Meng

Why smart home is in trend now?

A smart house is a practical home design where electronics and appliances may be remotely controlled via the internet from any location using a smartphone or other networked device. It features a system that links to your appliances to automate particular chores and is often operated from a distance. The internet connects the smart devices in a smart home, enabling users to remotely control features like temperature, sprinklers, lighting, security access, and home entertainment systems, along with other devices like air conditioners and heaters and refrigerators.

In this article, you learn more about this latest trend and why you should own a smart home.

Why is smart home a trend now?

Smart home technology systems offer convenience to homeowners.

Most of us want as much convenience as possible, and nothing says convenience more than having things turn on when and where you need them. In fact, smart home owners may be able to control all of their features, including lights and appliances, with a single device, most commonly a smartphone or tablet. Smart homes can accommodate user preferences for the sake of convenience. While you can get a lot of that through the app and smart home controller, automations take things to the next level. They can be set to trigger based on sensor data, your location, linked devices, or the time of day. Users can, for example, programme their garage door to open, the lights to turn on, and their favourite music to play when they arrive. It's why many people start with smart bulbs — it's convenient to have lights wake you up in the morning and turn off before sunset, or to sync with what's on your TV or PC.

Users are able to receive notifications and updates on problems in their houses.

Notifications allow your smart home to notify users of major device-related events or changes. Notifications can be used to notify users of timely device events, such as when someone is at the door, or to report on a requested device state change, such as when a door lock bolt is successfully engaged or jammed. Because they are linked to a portable device, all of the above are possible. Users can, for example, set and control the interior temperature, lighting, and appliances. Users can receive two types of notifications from their smart home. The first type of notification is proactive, which alerts the user to a smart home device event that occurred without the user making any previous requests to their devices, such as the doorbell ringing. Following that are the follow-up responses, which confirm whether or not a device command request was successful or unsuccessful, such as when locking a door. These alerts should be used for device commands that take an extended period of time to complete.

Significant cost savings are available to homeowners.

The potential to save energy — and thus money — is the driving force behind many smart home initiatives. Smart homes provide energy consumption data that can help you improve your energy efficiency and environmental awareness. Smart thermostats improve efficiency by, for example, pre-cooling or pre-heating ahead of time or lowering power consumption when no one is home. Lights, plugs, and appliances, among other intelligent products, can be programmed to turn off when not in use. Smart homes can detect areas where you are using more energy than necessary, allowing you to reduce your consumption and save money. Energy bills can be reduced by using smart home appliances and electronics more efficiently. Smart homes automate tasks such as temperature control, lighting control, opening and closing window treatments, and weather-based irrigation, giving you more control over how much energy you use.

Why should you own a smart home?

There is increased efficiency with a smart home.

The best way to realise the smart home's energy efficiency potential is through whole-home management of multiple smart home devices. Smart homes make it possible to use energy, water, and other resources more effectively, which helps consumers save both money and natural resources. The true potential for energy savings in the smart home is found in lowering energy consumption through better management, which is found in optimising our home's energy-consuming systems. We can customise their operation to our preferences and save energy. Smart technologies increase overall efficiency by improving home control, communication, and response. A smart home system can learn habits and ensure that the house is cooled down by the time residents get home from work instead of turning on the air conditioning throughout the day. Appliances follow the same rules. The grass will only be watered when necessary and with the precise amount of water required with a smart irrigation system. Smart home technology innovation that enables behavioural energy change contributes to increased energy efficiency. Going beyond the thermostat to include the water heater, lights, computer, washing machine, and other devices will only increase energy efficiency in the smart home as long as the devices are clearly linked to energy consumption.

There is safety and security with a smart home.

While traditional alarm systems can keep your house safe, smart security can include interconnected lights, locks, sensors, cameras, and doorbells for greater monitoring and control. Isolating your smart home network from your other networks is the first step in tackling home security. The technology is especially helpful when you're gone because you can monitor anything that has internet access from anywhere with your phone and maybe frighten off intruders before they cause damage. Setting up guest networks for your smart gadgets will make this quite simple. For instance, it is still possible to hack your refrigerator and add it to a botnet that distributes spam or mines bitcoins. It can't access your emails or bank account though because it runs on its own network.

There is more entertainment with a smart home.

We all want to play and relax at home, and modern technology allows us to do so in a variety of ways. We understand if you're wondering, "Why can't I just use my Bluetooth speaker?" In fact, not at all. Smaller, wireless smart speakers, such as the Google Home or Amazon Echo, are ideal for seamless, room-to-room audio playback with only one volume control. Smart speakers can receive the latest news, play music and podcasts, and control electronics such as televisions and gaming consoles. This and other smart screen features, such as Netflix and YouTube streaming video, are available. Users can fully manage the music playing in their space using a variety of linked devices such as smartphones, tablets, wall-mounted panels, and tabletop touchscreens. With voice control, it advances the process of streaming music using natural verbal commands. Without an excellent sound system, entertaining simply isn't the same. The speakers' quality can mean the difference between an epic party and one that falls short of expectations.



Smart home system, also known as home automation, provides homeowners with security, comfort, convenience, and energy efficiency by allowing them to control smart devices via a smart home app on their smartphone or other networked device. Smart home systems and devices, which are part of the internet of things (IoT), frequently work together, sharing consumer usage data and automating actions based on the preferences of the homeowners.

At Seri Pajam home, most of our properties are equipped with a basic smart home system. So, select one smart home today by browsing our website

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